Pediatric Eye Exams: What to Expect

Pediatric Eye Exams: What to Expect

Eye examinations are a vital part of children’s health and overall well-being. Eye professionals recommend the first eye exam happen when the child is between six months to one year. 

The second exam should be at two to three years old and annually for school-going kids. Early eye exams help detect potential issues that affect the child’s visual development. It is vital to know what to expect from pediatric eye exams.

Pediatric Eye Exams

During the exam, the child will receive different tests to determine the health of their eyes. They include testing how the child sees, determining the eye power or refractive error, and testing how the eyes work together. 

Testing will help assess the internal and external eye structures. Pediatric eye doctors have different ways to check how well the child can see regardless of age. It is necessary to visit a pediatric eye doctor with experience in creating a comfortable environment for children. 

What to Expect During the Eye Exam

During the pediatric eye exam, the eye doctor will evaluate the general health of the child. They will discuss the family history of certain eye diseases, existing eye problems, or parental concerns. The doctor will conduct tests to assess the power of the child’s eyes and their ability to see. 

The doctor will use a microscope to observe the child’s eyes, examining the eyelids, cornea, sclera, iris, pupil, and lens. The doctor may also conduct a dilated eye exam, which helps to check the retina and the optic nerve. 

Pediatric Eye Exam: Preparing Your Child

Preparing your child for an eye exam will help make the experience more pleasant. If the child can understand what is going on, you can explain all they need to know about the visit. Having a general idea of what to expect will help ensure everything goes smoothly. 

Explain that the doctor may need to put some drops in the eyes but that it will not hurt. Pediatric eye doctors make children feel comfortable. Work with the doctor to achieve this.

What Pediatric Eye Exams Check

During the pediatric exam, the doctor will conduct several tests. The tests will depend on the age of the child. For children one year and younger, the tests will check for myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism, amblyopia, eye movement, and eye alignment. 

They also check the eyes’ reaction to changes in light. For children between three and five years, the doctor will carry out a physical examination and vision screening. 

Benefits of Pediatric Eye Exams

It is vital to have a doctor examine your child’s eyes as early as possible. Do not wait until your child begins to read before scheduling an eye exam. The exams can help detect eye issues that can affect your child’s vision. 

Good vision is necessary for a child’s development. In some cases, children diagnosed with dyslexia or ADHD have vision problems. Clear vision and good eye health are vital for your child’s success in education. Regular eye exams will allow the eye doctor to keep track of any changes in your child’s vision and eye health. 

For more on pediatric eye exams and what to expect, visit Trinity Vision Center at our office in Walla Walla, Washington. You can call (509) 260-3500 today to schedule an appointment.